Soulhorse Felix"s Itchy Pony Spray for Horses
228,93 kr*
Innehåll: 1 Styck
Tillgängligt, leveranstid: 3-5 dagar
Artikelnummer: 48185
EAN: 4037714081151
- 30 dagars returrätt
- 15 års erfarenhet
- över 500.000 nöjda kunder
My name is Felix and my bum itches all the time. They say I have eczema, I don"t know how come. In summer it gets worse and I scratch myself raw. My mistress says enough is enough, that"s not healthy! …
I"m a #Soulhorse itchy pony and I"m not alone. We need a remedy that helps to make the itching go away! Liverwort and salt from the Dead Sea can help. A little aloe vera and tea tree oil help skin and hair a great deal. Now it"s time for the itching to be tackled. Simply apply the spray to the affected areas going against the lie of the coat. Getting my mistress to massage it in well is what is needed, the intensively nourishing ingredients soothe the skin & I don"t want to itch frantically. My sweet itch has hardly any chance now. The lavender oil also makes the ladies show up! At last, I don"t have to walk around looking like a zebra anymore and my beloved itchy pony tree can take a permanent break!
I"m a #Soulhorse itchy pony and I"m not alone. We need a remedy that helps to make the itching go away! Liverwort and salt from the Dead Sea can help. A little aloe vera and tea tree oil help skin and hair a great deal. Now it"s time for the itching to be tackled. Simply apply the spray to the affected areas going against the lie of the coat. Getting my mistress to massage it in well is what is needed, the intensively nourishing ingredients soothe the skin & I don"t want to itch frantically. My sweet itch has hardly any chance now. The lavender oil also makes the ladies show up! At last, I don"t have to walk around looking like a zebra anymore and my beloved itchy pony tree can take a permanent break!
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