Soulhorse Jonny"s Stain Remover
125,65 kr*
Innehåll: 1 Styck
Tillgängligt, leveranstid: 3-5 dagar
Artikelnummer: 48188
EAN: 4037714081359
- 30 dagars returrätt
- 15 års erfarenhet
- över 500.000 nöjda kunder
Have you already tried Jonny"s stain remover soap in the jute bag?
No? Then it"s about time! Because it cleans up your stained animal in a trice - coat and long hair look as if they have been polished!
You won"t believe what is contained in this handmade soap:
An invaluable care formula with cream curd cheese as its base -
that thoroughly removes grass stains and manure! Olive oil, rosemary oil and lemon water are added to this.
Sounds like Cleopatra"s bath - join in with the next wash.
No? Then it"s about time! Because it cleans up your stained animal in a trice - coat and long hair look as if they have been polished!
You won"t believe what is contained in this handmade soap:
An invaluable care formula with cream curd cheese as its base -
that thoroughly removes grass stains and manure! Olive oil, rosemary oil and lemon water are added to this.
Sounds like Cleopatra"s bath - join in with the next wash.
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